Russian 122mm “ Gvozdika “ Zvezda 1/35 inbox review (srb/eng)

Russian 122mm “ Gvozdika “ Zvezda 1/35 inbox review (srb/eng)

Samohodna haubica 2S1 “Gvozdika” je proizvedena u nekadašnjem Sovjetskom Savezu. Razvoj je počeo 1967. Godine, a serijska proizvodnja 1971. godine. Korišćena je uglavnom u zemljama i armijama koje su pripadale Varšavskom paktu. Namenjena je između ostalog i za rušenje žičanih i drugih prepreka kao i za pravljenje prolaza u minskim poljima. Posadu čine četiri člana, a kalibar topa je 122mm. “Gvozdika “ je prva amfibijska samohodna haubica koja se masovno proizvodila u svetu. Napravljeno je preko 10000 komada. Toliko ukratko o samoj haubici. Više informacija zainteresovani mogu pronaći na netu. Potpuno nova maketa ruske kompanije Zvezda, dolazi nam u atraktivnoj kutiji koja je dobro zaštićena tvrdim kartonom. Na ramovima se nalazi preko 260 kvalitetno izlivenih delova od svetlo sive plastike. Na prvi pogled sve izgleda vrlo dobro i ne bi trebalo da bude većih zahvata prilikom sastavljanja. Ono što je možda moglo biti drugačije je cev koja se sastoji iz čak 4 dela. Neće ni to predstavljati problem, jer je izuzetno kvalitetno urađeno, ali opet kažem mogla je biti iz jednog dela. Ostalo je zaista za uživanje pri radu. Sastavnica je pregledna i lako se moze snaći u njoj. Dato je čak 7 opcija za bojenje i označavanje pripadnosti, što se lepo moze videti na skenu uputstva za bojenje i označavanje. Boje su standardno po Zvezdi I po Tamiji. Ova samohodna haubica se nalazila i u naoružanju bivše Jugoslavije, a učestvovala je i u ratnim sukobima prilikom raspada iste te Jugoslavije. Samohodna haubica “Gvozdika” nalazi se i danas u naoružanju vojske Srbije. Izvršena je modernizacija 2020. godine i ostaće jos dugo u upotrebi. Maketa je zaista kvalitetna i vrlo atraktivna, te je preporučujem ljubiteljima sovjetskog oklopa, kao i svim maketarima koji vole kvalitetne i dobre makete. IPMS Srbija se zahvaljuje kompaniji Zvezda na ustupljenoj maketi za recenziju. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Self-propelled howitzer 2S1 “Gvozdika” is produced in former Soviet Union. Its development started in 1967, while serial production began in 1971. It was mainly used in countries and armies of Warsaw Pact. Among other things its intended use is for destroying the wired and other obstacles and clearing the mine fields. It has a crew of four and a gun of 122mm. “Gvozdika” is the first mass produced amphibious self-propelled howitzer. It was produced in large numbers, more than 10000. This was a short historical overview of the weapon. More info is available online. This brand new model from Russian company Zvezda, comes in an attractive box, and is protected with a strong cardboard. The sprues contain more than 260 parts casted in light grey plastic and of good quality. Upon the first glance, everything looks very good and there should not be any major “surgery” during the build. The one thing that could be done differently, and it immediately pops out, is the gun barrel. It comes in four separate parts, whereas it could have been given as a one piece. But that should not be considered as a big problem, due to the quality of plastic and casting process. There rest of the build should be an enjoyable experience. The instruction is rather simple and easy to follow. There are as much as seven different marking options, which is visible on the scanned painting and marking sheet. Paints are, as always, Zvezda and Tamiya. This self-propelled howitzer was used in Yugoslav People’s Army and took part in the wars for dissolution of Yugoslavia. It is still used in Serbian Armed Forces, and it was extensively modernized in 2020, to remain in use into foreseeable future. The model is really of excellent quality and very attractive, therefore I would recommend it to the fans of Soviet armor, as well as other modelers that find this model interesting and like to work on high quality models. IPMS Serbia would like to thank Zvezda company for the model provided for this review.