1:35 Einheitsanhanger 5t Baumuster E 5 trailer, Das Werk (sr-en)

1:35 Einheitsanhanger 5t Baumuster E 5 trailer, Das Werk (sr-en)


Tekst i foto: Milovan Bajagić Prikolica je vučeno priključno vozilo koje je predviđeno da bude priključeno vučnom motornom vozilu. Ima jednu ili više osovina sa točkovima koje mogu biti neupravljive, upravljive i samoupravljive, dok točkovi na osovini mogu biti jednostruki i dvostruki. U današnje vreme na tržištu maketa veoma je retka ponuda maketa prikolica. Promenu tog trenda uneo je Das Werk sa svojom prikolicom Einheitsanhanger 5 t Baumuster E 5. Einheitsanhanger 5 t Baumuster E 5 je stnadardna prikolica od 5 tona – ima nosivost 5 000 kg a sama težina prikolice je 2 275 kg. Platforma prikolice je 4,5 metara dugačka sa širinom od 2,1 metra. Stranice prikolice su visine 60cm. Takođe mogu se montirati na platforme razne „superstrukture“ tj dodaci. Prikolica Einheitsanhanger 5 t Baumuster E 5 se uglavnom koristila u kasnijim fazama rata. Jednako je korišćena i od strane Luftwaffe-a i Kriegsmarine, kao i kod Wermachta i SS-a. Takođe široku upotrebu zbog svoje univerzalnosti našla je i nakon rata. Što se tiče makete pre svega moramo reći da je firma Das Werk pravo osveženje na maketarskom tržištu sa svojim originalnim dizajnom i izborom maketa. Maketa se nalazi u kutiji na kojoj je izvanredna ilustracija i šeme farbanja na stranicama kutije, sa sastavnicom, raspoređena na 12 ramova sive visoko kvalitetne plastike, uz dekale i pet žica koje predstavljaju dodatak za držače za ceradu. Konstruisana je tako da je prednja osovina skroz pokretna, a stranice mogu biti spuštene ili sklopljene što daje široke mogućnosti za maketarsku maštu za diorame. Maketa obiluje sitnim detaljima i ne preporučuje se baš, manje iskusnim maketarima. Na 4 rama dolaze točkovi koji su „raščlanjeni!“ na više delova (svaka guma se sastoji od pet delova, plus felna od dva dela). Rezervni točak dolazi na posebnom ramu i takođe je iz više delova. Na četiri manja rama dolaze sitni delovi, za koje će maketaru biti potrebno dosta truda i strpljenja prilikom sastavljanja. Osovine dolaze na jednom velikom ramu, a platforme na dva velika rama i izuzetno su detaljno urađene. Dekali dolaze na jednom listu za četiri verzije obeležavanja. Ono čime sam posebno impresioniran jeste sastavnica. Dolazi klamovana sa izuzetnim kvalitetom štampe na 23 strane. Detalji i koraci za sastavljanje su uradjeni, malo je reći, odlično. Šema farbanja je urađena u 4 varijante. U sastavnici se nalaze i kratke biografije dizajnera Pete Hamann-a, Sebastiana Debold-a model makera i gospodina Haralda Buskea koji je i osnivač Das Werk-a. Odnos cene i kvaliteta ove makete je dosta dobar i preporučujem je svim ljubiteljima maketa iz doba Drugog svetskog rata. Zahvaljujemo se Das Werku na ustupljenoj maketi.

Trailer is a towed vehicle designed to be attached to the towing vehicle. It has one or more axles with wheels that can be non-steerable, steerable and self-steerable, while the wheels on the axle can be single or double. Today, the trailer offer on the model market is rather slim. A welcome change in this trend came with company Das Werk and their model trailer Einheitsanhanger 5 t Baumuster E 5. Einheitsanhanger 5 t Baumuster E 5 is a standard 5 ton trailer – with load capacity of 5 000 kg, whereas the weight of the trailer itself is 2 275 kg. Trailer platform is 4,5 m long, 2,1 wide and the sides are 60 cm high. Also, various “superstructures” can be mounted on the platform. Trailer Einheitsanhanger 5 t Baumuster E 5 was mostly used in the later stages of war. It was equally used by Luftwaffe, Kriegsmarine, Wermacht and SS. Also it was widely used after the war due to its universality. As for the model, first I must say that company Das Werk is a real breath of fresh air on the market, both with its original design and the choice of model subjects. The model comes in the wonderfully illustrated box on sides of which are the painting schemes. Contents of the box are instruction booklet, model parts distributed on 12 trees of high-quality grey styrene, decal sheet and five pieces of wire to serve as canvas holders. The trailer model is constructed so the front axle is completely movable, while the sides can be either lowered or in raised position, which leaves a lot of possibilities for planning a diorama. The model has a lot of fine detailing and therefore it is not recommended to beginner modelers. Four trees contain parts for the wheels which come “disassembled!” to a number of parts (tires come in five parts, whereas rims come in two parts). Spare wheel comes on the separate tree and is also a multipart construction. On the four smaller trees are finer parts, for which the modelers will need a lot of patience and effort to assemble. Axles come on one big tree, while the platform parts are distributed over two big trees and are of great level of detail. Decals come on single sheet for the four different marking variants. What especially impressed me is the instruction booklet. It comes as a staple-binded booklet with excellent print quality on 23 pages. Details and assembly steps are excellent, to say the least. Paint scheme is given in four variants. Within the instruction booklet there are also short resumes of designer Pete Hamann, master model maker Sebastian Debold and Harald Buske, founder of Das Werk. The price quality ratio of this model is rather good and I would recommend it to all fans of the WWII models. We would like to thank Das Werk for providing us with this sample.