Soyuz 2 – Launch vehicle, 1/144 Zvezda inbox review (srb/eng)

Soyuz 2 – Launch vehicle, 1/144 Zvezda inbox review (srb/eng)

Sojuz 2 je trostepena raketa srednje klase, nastala razvojem čuvene balističke rakete R-7, poznatije kao „Semjorka“. Ova balistička raketa je razvijena 1957. godine i za nekih oko 2000 lansiranja svih raketa ove porodice, uspešnost je negde oko 95%, što je u odnosu na broj lansiranja čini najuspešnijom porodicom raketa. Ovde se mora uzeti u obzir i broj različitih modela raketa proisteklih iz originalne R-7, gde spada i Sojuz 2, te samim time razvoj novih prototipova tih modela i njihov eventualni neuspeh u prvim lansiranjima. Sojuz nije bez razloga sistem koji je iznajmila NASA za transport na Međunarodnu svemirsku stanicu, nakon nesreća sa Spejs štalovima (Čelendžer i Kolumbija), upravo zbog ovih impresivnih brojki i uspešnosti. Sojuz 2 je poslednja verzija ovog raketnog sistema, odnosno nosača. Sojuz-2 rakete se lansiraju sa kosmodroma u Bajkonuru, Plesetsku i Vostočnom. Rakete koje nose kapsulu sa posadom Sojuz-MS i sa teretom Progres-MS se lansiraju sa kosmodroma u Bajkonuru ka Međunarodnoj svemirskoj stanici. Raketa Sojuz-2 koristi unapređeno tečno gorivo i savremeni kontrolni sistem koji joj omogućavaju nešto veću korisnu masu tereta i veću preciznost putanje. O maketi. Maketa dolazi u standardnom pakovanju za Zvezdu, spolja lepo ilustrovana tanka kutija sa slikom rakete prilikom uzletanja sa lansirne rampe i unutra čvršća kutija u kojoj se nalazi maketa, uputstva dekali. Delovi makete su raspoređeni na 6 ramova sive boje i ima ih ukupno 111. Delovi su bez viška plastike i sa veoma oštrim detaljima za ovu razmeru. Maketa kada se sklopi je visoka 35,5 cm. Dva veća rama nose delove centralnog tela rakete, dok na četiri manja rama dolaze delovi za bustere koji se nalaze na četiri strane centralnog tela i čine tzv. „Krst Koroljeva“, zaštitni znak konstruktora koji je dizajnirao R-7. Maketar ima opciju da sastavi Sojuz-MS ili Progres-MS lansirno vozilo na vrhu rakete. Sve mlaznice motora su dosta dobro i detaljno urađene. Uz uputstvo koje je lako razumljivo, dolazi i kolorni list sa uputstvom za bojenje, i manji list dekala sa uglavnom servisnim natpisima i zastavama, te natpisom koje lansirno vozilo je u pitanju. Boje su, standardno date po Tamija i Zvezda oznakama. Maketa ne deluje naročito zahtevno za sklapanje, pa u to mogu da se upuste i maketari početnici. Sve u svemu, maketa deluje detaljno za svoju razmeru, i ne bi trebalo da bude naročito zahtevan projekat. Preporučio bih maketu prvenstveno svim fanovima astronautike, a potom i maketarima kojima je tema interesantna. Hvala Zvezdi na ustupljenoj maketi za ovu recenziju. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Soyuz 2 is a three-stage medium-class rocket, developed as a continuation of a famous ballistic rocket R-7, better known as „Semyorka“. This ballistic rocket is developed in 1957 and for around 2000 launches of all the rockets from this family, success rate is somewhere around 95%, which makes it considering the number of launches the most successful launch vehicle family in the world. Here, one must take into account the number of different models of rockets that were developed from the original R-7, including the Soyuz-2 itself, and therefore the development phase of each new prototype and their eventual failure in the first launch attempts. So it was not unreasonable from NASA to choose and rent Soyuz for transport purposes towards International Space Station (ISS), after two disasters with Space Shuttles (Challenger and Columbia), especially considering the impressive numbers and success rate. Soyuz-2 is the last version of this rocket system. Soyuz-2 is launched from cosmodromes in Baikonur, Plesetsk and Vostochny. Rockets carrying the crewed capsule Soyuz-MS and cargo capsule Progress-MS are launched from Baikonur towards ISS. The Soyuz-2 rocket uses advanced liquid fuel and modern control system to enhance precision and increase the mass of payload. About the model Model comes in the standard Zvezda packaging, outer nicely illustrated thin box with the picture of the rocket during launch and internal hard cardboard box with parts, instructions and decals. Parts are distributed on six trees of grey color and there are 111 parts in total. Parts show no signs of flash and have very sharp details for this scale. Assembled model has height of 35,5 cm. Two larger trees carry parts for the central body of the rocket, while four smaller trees contain parts for boosters placed on the four sides of the central body, thus completing what is known as „Korolev Cross“, the signature of constructor that developed R-7. The modeler has an option to build either Soyuz-MS or Progress-MS launch vehicle on the top of the rocket. All the engine thrust nozzles are very good and of crisp detail. With clear and easy to follow instruction sheet, comes painting instruction in color, smaller decal sheet with mostly service stencils, flags and the name of the launch vehicle. Paints are given in Tamiya and Zvezda codes, as usual. The model itself doesn’t appear too complicated to assemble, so even the beginner modelers can build it. All this taken into account the model appears very detailed for its scale and should not be very complicated project. I would recommend this model especially to fans of astronautics, but also to all modelers that find this topic interesting. I would like to thank Zvezda for providing the model for this review.