Zil 130, kamion proizveden u fabrici pod nazivom Zavod imena Lihacova u tadašnjem Sovjetskom Savezu, davne 1962. godine. Pored naširoko rasprostranjene dvoosovinske verzije, postojale su i troosovinske verzije, kao i vojne varijante ovog kamiona. Vozilo je 1973. godine, dobilo državni pečat kvaliteta SSSR – a, a samo godinu dana kasnije proizveden je milioniti primerak ovog kamiona. 30. decembra 1994. fabrika Zil u Moskvi prestaje da proizvodi ovaj model i njegove modifikacije. Do tada je sa proizvodnih traka sišlo preko tri miliona ovih vozila. Izvožen je u mnoge zemlje i van Istočnog bloka. Mnogo više podataka se može pronaći na netu, pa koga zanima neka potraži. Ovu maketu Zvezda je uradila u saradnji sa AVD Models, tako bar piše na kutiji. Odličan potez, bar što se nas maketara tiče. Zaista retka maketa ovog vozila u odličnom Zvezdinom izdanju. Puno finih detalja, kvalitetna plastika i odlična uklopivost su odavno postali Zvezdin zaštitni znak. Date su četiri vrlo interesantne šeme bojenja i označavanja, što se može videti na fotografijama. Boje su standardno Zvezda i Tamiya. Sastavnica je pregledna i dobro urađena. Sve u svemu odličan izbor za novogodišnje i božićne praznike. Kao i uvek, tekst prate fotografije sa kojih se mogu videti mnogi detalji makete. Biće pravo zadovoljstvo sastavljati ovu maketu. Zahvaljujemo se Zvezdi na ustupljenoj maketi za recenziju. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Zil 130, is a truck produced in a factory named “Zavod Imeni Likhachova” in the then Soviet Union, back in 1962. Along the widely used two-axle version, there were three-axle as well as a military version of the truck. The vehicle received the state quality seal of USSR in 1973, while only a year later the millionth truck rolled of the assembly line. On 30th December 1994 the factory Zil in Moscow region stopped producing this truck and its variants. Until then more than 3 million units were produced. It was exported to many countries, even to those that were not members of Warsaw Pact. Much more data is available online, so anyone interested can look for it. This model is a cooperation of Zvezda and AVD Models at least that is mentioned on the box. Excellent move from the point of view of modelers. This is one of the rare models of this vehicle and in great Zvezda quality of newer models. A lot of fine detail, high quality plastic and excellent fit became Zvezda trademark for a while now. Four rather interesting paint schemes are given in the instruction sheet. Paints are, as usual, given in Zvezda and Tamiya code. Instruction sheet is very clear and easy to follow. All given, this model is an excellent choice for Christmas and New Year holidays. As usual, the text is followed with photos rich in detail of the model. It will be a pleasure to assemble it. We would like to thank Zvezda for providing this sample model for review.