Text: Milos Sataric Photo: Predrag Stamenkovic The UAZ -469 was developed in Ulyanovsk automobile plant; the first cars were released on the 15th December 1972. UAZ-469 had an opened five-seat body, which accommodated five people (driver included), but if necessary, two more people could sit in the cargo compartment on folding seats. Instead of people it was possible to load 600 kg of equipment and cargo, additionally the UAZ-469 could tow a trailer weighing 850 kg. Passengers were protected from bad weather by tarpaulin tent, the arches could be removed, and the windscreen could be folded on the bonnet. In this case the height of the vehicle was significantly reduced, making it easier to transport in a helicopter. In August 1974, three standard UAZ-469B during a test run climbed in the Mount Elbrus area to a height of 4200m in just 38 minutes. The expedition was led by test engineer G. Khalitov, test drivers were V. Dunayev, V. Kharuzha. After many years I got my hands on one Zvezda model kit. It was a remarkable experience. The parts are molded perfectly and can be removed from the frame with the great ease and when assembled they fit perfectly. The kit itself is detailed with parts for the engine, interior and chassis including transmissions, shafts and the rest. In the process of assembly I found it easy to complete and the choice of decals is remarkable. There are versions with closed and opened car body. I chose to do the version from Elbrus in 1974 for the reason of distinctive orange –white color of the body. I warmly recommend the kit to more experienced modelers. I eagerly expect the newest release from Zvezda in the future. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… UAZ-469 je razvijen od strane Uljanovskog auto zavoda, prvi automobili su sišli sa proizvodne trake 15. decembra 1972. godine. UAZ 469 imao je otvorenu karoseriju sa pet sedišta, u kou je moglo da se smesti pet osoba (uključujući i vozača), ukoliko je potrebno, dvoje dodatnih ljudi moglo je sesti na pomoćna sedišta koja su mogla da se sklapaju u prostoru za prtljag. Umesto ljudi moguće je bilo da se utovari 600 kg tereta ili opreme, uz to UAZ 469 je mogao da vuče prikolicu sa 850 kg tereta. Putnike u vozilu je štitila od lošeg vremena cirada, arnjevi sa ciradom su se mogli ukloniti, i vetrobran se mogao sklopiti na haubu vozila. U tom slučaju visina vozila se smanjuje u značajnoj meri, što ga čini lakšim za transport helikopterom. Avgusta 1974., tri standardna UAZ-469B tokom test vožnje popeli su se na vrh planine Elbrus na visinu od 4200 metara za samo 38 minuta. Ekspediciju je vodio probni inženjer G.Khalitov, a test vozači bili su V. Dunayev, V. Kharuzha. Nakon dosta godina u ruke mi je dospela nova Zvezdina maketa koja mi je pričinila veliko zadovoljstvo. Delovi su odliveni savršeno i odvajau se sa ramova sa velikom lakoćom i kada se sastavljaju uklapaju se odlično. Maketa sama po sebi obiluje detaljnim delovima motora, unutrašnjosti vozila i šasije uključujući sistem transmisije, kardana motora i ostalo. Tokom samog sastavljanja makete uvideo sam da se maketa lako sastavlja i da je izbor oznaka izuzetan. U kutiji se nalaze opcije sa zatvorenom i otvorenom karoserijom . Odlučio sam se za verziju koja je učestvovala u ekspediciji na Elbrus 1974. godine iz razloga zanimljive narandžasto bele boje vozila. Toplo preporučujem ovu maketu maketarima koji imaju više iskustva. Sa nestrpljenjem očekujem nove Zvezdine makete.
UAZ 469, Zvezda 1/35 inbox review (eng. srp.)
UAZ 469, Zvezda 1/35 inbox review (eng. srp.)