Davne 1957. godine nastao je UAZ 450, ubrzo zatim fabrika Uljanovski Auto Zavod izbacuje UAZ 452 kao modifikovanu verziju. To je bilo 1965. godine. Naravno u to vreme je vozilo bilo namenjeno isključivo u vojne svrhe u Sovjetskom Savezu. Pocetkom 1990. postaje i nastaje UAZ 3909. Uz mnoge modifikacije koje je prošlo ovo terensko vozilo, zadržalo je svoj karakterističan izgled po kome je dobilo naziv Buhanka-vekna.
Terenac sa vučom na sva četiri točka, bez mnogo elektronike i jednostavan za održavanje, stekao je popularnost širom sveta, tako da se danas pored upotrebe u vojne svrhe i specijalne namene, koristi i za razne civilne potrebe.
Pored nekoliko verzija „Buhanke“ u razmeri 1/43, Zvezda se odlučila da ovu izuzuetnu maketu uradi i u razmeri 1/35 što je, po meni, odličan potez.
Na prvi pogled sve u kutiji izgleda bez greške, fino, filigranski precizno. Svetlo siva plastika bez viškova sa strane. Karoserija je data iz delova i predviđeno je da se lepi deo po deo na šasiju, što će možda otežati farbanje. Pokušaću da prvo sastavim karoseriju, pa da je stavim na već urađenu šasiju.
Unutrašnjost vozila je data sa puno detalja i sitnica koje i čine pravo vozilo. Moguće je vrata ostaviti u otvorenom položaju, tako da se dosta toga može videti. Donji deo vozila je takođe detaljan i precizno urađen. Ono što će možda biti malo složenije za izvesti je crna zaštitna guma na farovima. Nije dato na plastici vec na providnom delu pa ga treba pazljivo ofarbati. Keder guma na prozorima se može uraditi pomoću maski koje se mogu kupiti posebno ili da se markira što takođe nije problem, ali zahteva više vremena. Ostalo sve deluje vrlo dobro za rad. Šema bojenja je standardno rusko zeleno po Zvezdi i po Tamiji.
Date su dve oznake pripadnosti što se može videti na skenu. Što se bojenja tiče, na netu se mogu pronaći slike ovog vozila u raznim bojama i u raznim namenama tako da se može i to upotrebiti kao opcija. Odlična maketa koju jednostavno mora imati svaki ljubitelj maketa u svojoj kolekciji. Legenda je legenda.
Zahvaljujemo se Zvezdi na ustupljenoj maketi.
Back in the 1957 UAZ 450 came into existence, and soon afterwards the Ulyanovsk Auto Zavod (Ulyanovsk Automotive Factory) rolls out the modified version UAZ 452. That happened in 1965. Of course back thenin Soviet Union, the sole use of the vehicle was for military purposes. During the early 1990 the modified UAZ 3909 was produced. With many modifications that were made to original model, this all terrain vehicle kept its distinct looks, which were the cause of its familiar nickname Buhanka – the bread loaf. This four wheel drive vehicle without much in terms of electronics and easy for maintenance, became popular around the world, so today it is used in military, as a special purpose vehicle and as a civilian vehicle.
Besides a few versions of Buhanka in 1/43 scale, Zvezda decided to produce this model in 1/35 scale as well, which, in my opinion, is a great move.
Upon the first glance, all the content in the box looks flawless, nice and filligree precise. Light grey plastic without any flash present. The vehicle bodywork is given in multiple parts and it is planned to be glued to the chasis one part at the time, which may result in harder painting. I will try to assemble the body parts separately and to attach them on already assembled chasis.
The interior is given with a lot of detailing characteristic of the real vehicle. It is optional to leave the doors open so much of the interior can be seen. Undercarriage is also rich in detail and precise. The possible problem during build and painting will be the rubber isolation on the lights. It is not given in grey, but instead in clear plastic as one part with the lights. Therefore one should be careful when painting it. The rubber band around the windows can be painted using masks available for buying or by marking them with tape, but this option is time consuming. Everything else seems rather nice to work with. Paint scheme is typical Russian green in Tamiya and Zvezda codes.
Two types of markings are given, as can be seen in the scanned instructions. As far as the painting is concerned, there is ample of photos with different paintjobs all over the internet, which also can be used as an option. Excellent model which is a must have for all the modlling fans and their collections. Legend is a legend.
We would like to thank Zvezda for the model for this review.
UAZ – 3909, Zvezda 1/35 inbox review (srb/eng)
UAZ – 3909, Zvezda 1/35 inbox review (srb/eng)