Sherman M4A3 (76) W, 1/35 Zvezda inbox rewiew (srb/eng)

Sherman M4A3 (76) W, 1/35 Zvezda inbox rewiew (srb/eng)

Imamo priliku da zavirimo u Zvezdinu kutiju sa novom maketom američkog tenka Šerman. Šerman tenk je jedan od najmasovnije proizvedenih tenkova u 2. SR. Koristile su ga skoro sve savezničke armije i učestvovao je na frontovima od Pacifika, Afrike sve do Evrope. Takođe, njegova upotreba je nastavljena i posle 2. SR u raznim sukobima širom sveta. Ovoga puta u pitanju je verzija M4A3 (76) W.
Pojava novih protivničkih tenkova sa moćnim oklopima, doprinela je da se izvrši modernizacija i poboljšanje naoružanja kod Šerman tenkova. Šerman sa topom od 76 mm je jedan od rezultata tog poboljšanja. Duža cev i top od 76 mm predstavljali su koliko toliko ozbiljniju pretnju protivničkim tenkovima Panter i Tigar.
Zvezda se u ovoj varijanti odlučila za verziju W ili tenk sa takozvanom “vlažnom municijom”. Ovaj sistem počeo je da se koristi 1944. godine, a predstavljao je zaštitu posade od manjih eksplozija i požara u tenku.
Kante sa mešavinom vode i glicerina postavljane su oko municije kako bi se tečnost izlila i na taj način sprečila ili barem usporila paljenje municije prilikom pogotka.

Maketa je standardno dobro upakovana, siva plastika i preko 320 delova. Sve je lepo i precizno odliveno bez viškova plastike sa strane. Date su dve verzije, ranija i kasnija varijanta, a sa time ide i kupola sa različitim otvorima. U pitanju je novi alat, bar što se tice šasije i kupole, za točkove i gucenice je koliko vidim ostao isti kao na prethodnoj maketi Šermana. Sastavnica je kao i sve Zvezdine, dobro nacrtana, detaljna i pregledna. Boje su po Zvezdi i Tamiji. Shema bojenja i oznake pripadnosti se jasno vide na fotografiji koja je priložena uz recenziju.
Sve u svemu lepa maketa, možda malo previše rasklopljena, ali to je verovatno zbog dve opcije koje su date. Maketu legendarnog tenka preporučujem svim maketarima. Biće uživancija sastavljati je.
Zahvaljujemo se Zvezdi na ustupljenoj maketi za recenziju.

We have a chance to peek inside the box of Zvezda new model of US Sherman tank. Sherman is one of the most produced tanks in WWII. It was used by almost all Allied armies and it was part of the battle line on all fronts from Pacific, Africa all the way to Europe. Also its use was continued well after the WWII in various conflicts. This time it is the version M4A3 (76) W. Appearance of the new, better armored enemy tanks was key to modernize and improve Sherman tanks. Sherman upgunned to 76mm canon with longer barrel, which posed somewhat greater threat to Tigers and Panthers of the Axis forces.
Here, Zvezda decided to present us the W version, or the tank with so-called wet ammo. This system was introduced in 1944 and it was used to protect the crew from smaller explosions and fires inside the tank.
Buckets with mixture of water and glycerin were placed around the ammo, in order to prevent or slow down the ignition of the ammo when the tank is hit.

The model is in the standard Zvezda quality package in grey plastic with over 320 pars. All the castings are excellently done with no flash around parts whatsoever. One can build two versions, earlier and latter, whereas the turret has the most noticeable differences (different hatches). The model is apparently a new tool, at least for chassis and turret. The wheels and tracks are most likely made from the tooling of the previous tooling. The instructions are typical Zvezda with excellent drawing and a lot of detail. Paints are Zvezda and Tamiya, with painting and marking instructions clear and understandable. All in all, nice model (maybe a little overengineered which is most likely due to the new design). I would recommend the model of this legendary tank to all modelers. It will be a pleasure to assemble the model. I would like to thank Zvezda for sending us the model for this review.