T-34/76 mod.42.,Zvezda 1/35

T-34/76 mod.42.,Zvezda 1/35

O tenku T – 34 je napisano na stotine knjiga, članaka , snimljeno na stotine filmova itd. To je najpopularniji i najpoznatiji tenk Drugog svetskog rata koji je u znatnoj meri uticao na konačnu pobedu nad Nemcima uprkos svojoj inferiornosti po nekim stavkama sa  tipovima nemačkih moćnih i jačih ali i skupljih tenkova tipa Tigar i Panter.Odlične pokretljivosti koja je ključna za manevar, solidne oklopne zaštite i vatrene moći, mnogo manje komplikovane konstrukcije i jeftin za proizvodnju što opet povlači za sobom masovnost proizvedenih tenova, uticao je na sovjetsku dominaciju u drugom delu rata a ujedno i odigrao veliku ulogu u prvoj fazi rata na Istočnom frontu. Kada su se Nemci sreli prvi put sa njim bili su impresionirani i uplašeni jer je bio nadmoćniji od svih njihovih modela tenkova.T – 34 je rađen u više fabrika i u više varijanti.  Ovu verziju čuvene „tridesetčetvorke“ razvila je i proizvodila čuvena uralska fabrika tj zavod Br. 183 iz Nižnjeg Tagila u drugom delu 1942.Najveća razlika u odnosu na prethodne modele bila je u izgledu i obliku kupole kao i sa novom  boljom transmisijom a pet brzina.Što se tiče kupole on je bila heksagonalnog oblika zbog čega je i dobila trupni nadimak “ Heks“ a suprotna strana tj Nemci su joj dali nadimak “ Miki Maus“ zbog specifičnog izgleda kada se otvore dva poklopca na kupoli. Kupola je pružala više prostora unutra nego prethodni modeli ali se posada i dalje osećala skučenom. Po nekim podacima ova verzija se proizvodila do proleća 1944., a proizvedeno je oko 20 000 komada.

O maketi.

Maketa dolazi u dve kutije  -spoljnoj bogato ilustrovanoj sa obe strane i unutrašnjoj zaštitnoj .Sastoji se od 3 velika rama, 2 srednje veličine , 5 malih, 1 malom od providne platsike, parčetom kanapa sive boje, dekalima, sastavnicom i šemom bojenja.Ramovi su od zelene plastike karakteristične za Zvezdine starije makete i ne baš previše kvalitetne. U poredjenju sa odličnom sivom plastikom kod dosta Zvezdinih maketa , ova zelena je dosta lošija.Na tri velika rama nalaze se delovi vozila izuzev točkova koji se nalaze na 5 malih ramova od zelene plastike (po dva točka na svakom ramu) sa razlikom od prethodnih modela u tome što su radjena 4 točka tj dva rama sa jednom vrstom točkova (sa gumom) i 3 rama tj 6 točkova bez zaštitne gume. Naime točkovi sa gumom su bili prvi i poslednji sa obe strane.  Zatim dolaze 2 rama od crne plastike na kome se nalaze delovi gusenica.Gusenice su raščlanjene (dva velika dela, sva srednja od po 5 članka i ostalo su pojedinačni članci). Ono što je interesantno jeste da se ramovi od gusenica mogu sastaviti (prikazano na sastavnici) i daju oblik za lakše sastavljanje gusenica i davanje njihovog oblika kako bi se što verodostojnije naslonile na lenjivca i pogonski točak.Tri velika rama tj u dobrom delu delova su identični kao kod drugih modela Zvezdinih tridesetčetvorki sa tim što su novi delovi radjeni za specifičnu kupolu.Na malom providnom ramu se nalazi 8 delova (periskopi i svetlo).Kanap je, pretpostavljate, namenjen za sajlu mada je sajla data i na ramu pa se možete odlučiti za opciju koju  želite.Što se tiče dekala , Zvezda je dala tri opcije –  sve tri sa Lenjigradskog fronta gde se ovaj model tenka i najviše istakao. Šema bojenja – dolazi na zasebnom papiru  – jedna u zimskoj varijatni i dve u letnjoj. Sastavnica na dva lista podeljena u 19 koraka.Maketa je jednostvana za sastavljanje (srednji level komplikovanosti) i delovi se lepo uklapaju. Nema rupa od izbijača i dorada gitom nije potrebna.Ova maketa ovog modela tridesetčetvorke je dosta interesantna i pruža nebrojone mogućnosti i kombinacije za diorame što opet zavisi od maštovitosti maketara.Generalno gledano, odnos cene i kvaliteta ove makete je dosta dobar i preporučujem ga svim ljubiteljima sovjetskog oklopa.

About T – 34 tank hundreds of book and articles were written, hundreds of movies were made, etc. That is the most popular and best known tank of WWII, which considerably influenced the final victory against Germans, despite its inferiority in certain aspects to German more powerful and stronger, but also more expensive tanks, such as Tiger and Panther. This tank had excellent maneuverability, good armor protection and fire power, with a less complicated construction and therefore cheaper production, which resulted in greater production numbers. All this influenced Soviet domination in the second half of WWII, but also played a key role in the first stages of the WII on the Eastern front. First German encounters with this tank resulted in fear and respect among Germans, due to the tank’s superiority compared to the German armor units. T-34 was produced in a number of factories and multiple variants. This version of the famous “thirty four” was developed and built by the famous Urals factory, aka Zavod No. 183 from Nizny Tagil in the second half of 1942. The biggest difference compared to the previous models is the looks and shape of the turret and new better transmission with five gears. As for the turret, it was hexagonal in shape, which earned it a troop’s nickname “Hex”, while the opposing forces called it “Mickey Mouse” due to specific looks when the two hatches are opened. Turret provided more space inside compared to the previous models, but the crew still felt cramped. According to some data this version was built up to spring 1944, and around 20 000 units were made.
About the model
The model comes in two boxes – outer, richly illustrated on both sides and inner, protective one. The model comes on three large trees, two medium ones, five small and one transparent tree. There are also a piece of grey thread, decals, instruction and painting sheet. The trees are from green styrene, characteristic of Zvezda older models, which were of poorer quality. Compared to the excellent grey styrene with a lot of Zvezda models, this green is fairly poorer in quality. The vehicle parts are distributed on three large trees, except wheels, which come on five small trees (two wheels per tree), which is different than in previous models. Two trees are of wheels with rubber protection, while three trees come with regular wheels. Rubber protected wheels were the first and the last ones on each side. Then there are two trees with black styrene with parts for the tracks. Tracks come in two large pieces, two midsized (five links per piece) and a number of individual links. What is interesting is that trees from tracks can be assembled (shown in the instructions) and provide shape for easier track assembly and shaping to be as close to reality as possible. Three large trees are same in majority of parts to other Zvezda T-34’s with new parts only for the specific turret. On the small transparent tree there are eight parts (periscopes and lights). The thread is intended as a steel towing cable, although the cable is given as a styrene part, so modelers can decide upon preference. As for decals, Zvezda gave three options, all three from Leningrad front, where this model of the tank has shown the most in battle. Paint instructions are on a separate sheet – one in winter and two in summer camo. Instructions are on the 4 pages in 19 steps. The model is easy to assemble (mid-level complexity) and parts fit nicely. There are no sink marks and there is no need to use putty. The model of this specific T-34 variant is very interesting and offers a number of possibilities and combinations for dioramas, which depends on the modeler’s imagination. In general, the price quality ratio is very good and I would recommend this model to all fans of Soviet armor.